By Mike Busch

Now that the Long Island Sun Chasers group on Facebook has over 2000 members, I am running into the same problem that I have with Long Island Wildlife, too many quality photos!

This week the Sun Chasers found a few mornings with spectacular light and clouds.  I’m glad I follow them because I would never have known as I had trouble getting up at the crack of dawn after my vacation.

Now that the Sun is coming up around 6:00 a.m., you have to be out of the house before 5:30 to get the best light.

Another nice mix of images with the cover going to Douglas Kelley with a an excellent sunrise over the surf at Smith Point.

Jim Simpson | Smith Point TWA Memorial

Douglas Kelley | Smith Point

Fred Greco | Jones Beach

Ines Catarina | Captree

Jeremy Garretson | Reeves Beach

Kathleen Desiderio | Great River