By Mike Busch
Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of the summer, and as you will see in the photos below, things are heating up on the wildlife front as well. I ran out of time to put last week’s compilation together but since Jim Botta doesn’t miss a thing on the Long Island Wildlife Photography page, we have the biggest collection to date with thirteen pages of images and videos taken over the past two weeks below.
A few notable finds include a Chuck-will’s widow, Scarlett and Summer Tanagers, Red Headed Woodpecker, Indigo Bunting, Black Billed Cuckoo, Spotted Sandpiper, Black Bellied Plover, Clapper Rail, Northern Bobwhite, Bobolink, and Black Skimmers.
We are also starting to get reports of Humpback Whales and Bottlenose Dolphins in the area. Our friends at Gotham Whale sailing on the American Princess Cruises had several great trips last weekend with 11 Humpbacks and over 200 Dolphins reported. The even had three whales together at once, captured in the photo below by Celia Ackerman! The boat sails this Saturday if you are looking for something to do, the full schedule is here.
This week’s cover photo goes to Robert Kaplan with a great image of an American Oystercatcher with chick. Also check out Natalie Ann’s amazing video work on page 13 with 7 new clips!
Feel free to share with a friend that might be suprised by the incredible diversity of wildlife on Long Island.
Chuck-Wills Widow – Jeanne Eggers
Blue Grosbeak – Dan Fiore
Great Blue Heron – Laura Dietrichson Helf
Red-Shouldered Hawk & Nest – Dolores Albertuzzi
Scarlet Tanager – Kimberly Lechner Sanchez
Great Egrets – Robin LaCicero
Eastern Towhee – Brian Doherty
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail – Natalie Ann
Bald Eagle – Steve Hyman
Northern Gannet – Brian Doherty