By Mike Busch

The Long Island Wildlife Photography Group had another amazing week despite some gloomy weather and smoky skies from the western wildfires.   We are starting to see some signs of the Fall migration but waiting for the first cold break to get things really started.

Notable finds this week include  Roseate Spoonbill, American Golden Plover, Broad-Winged Hawk, Western Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper, migrating warblers and the first winter diving duck, the Common Eider.

This week’s cover shot goes to Carl Houck with a beautiful Whimbrel.  Try to check out all 8 pages and have a great weekend!


Green Heron – Robert Kaplan

Broad-Winged Hawk – Justin DiScalfani

Clapper Rail & Lunch – Dan Fiore

Common Eider – Nancy Viscardi-Ricigliano

Great Blue Heron & Lunch – James C Sengul

Monarch Butterfly – Kay Intemann

Osprey – Richard DiScalfani

Peregrine Falcon & Sanderlings – Brian Doherty

Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly – William Walsh

More Photos on Pages 2-8