This year the Long Island Natural History Conference will be adding an electronic Photography Exhibit of Long Island Wildlife.
We encourage you to submit up to 5 of your favorite photographs to be displayed.
Image Guidelines:
* Save as .jpg
* Submit Via Email
* Send up to five image to:
* In the subject of your e-mail, type Long Island Natural History Conference photo exhibit
* All photos must be accompanied by the photographer’s name, the title of the photograph, and the date of the photograph.
* In submitting photographs, applicants agree that they have the rights to the image and its distribution.
The conference will be held on Friday, March 24th – Saturday, March 25th @ Brookhaven National Lab in Upton. We have a great line up planned.
For more information about the conference and to register, please go to
Among the speakers and topics we’ve lined up this year are: Al Breisch (reptiles and amphibians), Tobey Curtis (L.I. as a white shark nursery), Matt Burns (vernal ponds), Chris Paparo (why are local waters are worth protecting), Dr. Judith Weis (the salt marsh), Enrico Nardone (restoring river herring), Chart Guthrie (brook trout and rare freshwater fish), Dr. Javier Izquierdo (beachgrass), Dr. John Tanacredi (horseshoe crabs), Louise Harrison (Plum Island), Dr. Jessica Gurevitch (the dwarf pines), and Sixto Portilla (recent fish kills).
For additional information, please contact Melissa Parrott at