By Mike Busch
On Saturday I hiked to Moriches Inlet through Cupsogue Beach State Park to check out the new sand building up on the East Side of the Inlet. On the way, I walked up on Dr. Artie Kopelman of CRESLI and his Seal Walk, with the group watching about 100 Harbor Seals hauled out on the Sand Bar.
Soon Artie pointed out a Grey Seal Pup coming out of the water down the beach. Artie explained that this pup looked very healthy, was probably no more than two months old, and likely traveled here from a Grey Seal rookery on Little Gull Island, East of Orient Point. Grey Seals are less common that Harbor Seals and can grow to 800 pounds. To familiarize yourself with the Seals of Long Island, check out this piece put together by Dr. Kopelman for Fire Island and Beyond last year.
Dr. Kopelman of CRESLI still has openings every weekend through the end of April for his organized walks at Cupsogue Beach County Park. You can get more info and register here.
For those you that live closer to New York City, our friends at Gotham Whale and American Princess Cruises start their Seal tours this Saturday starting March 24th. There is nothing like seeing amazing wildlife with New York City in the background. For more information click here.
As you can see in the video, the winds were howling but I did my best to keep the camera still.
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