If you missed our feature from Davis Park Yesterday click here.

Hopefully we’ve seen the last of Old Man Winter this year on Fire Island!  While our island got a little .. wet .. the west end seemed to have fared reasonably well.

The post-Sandy dune stabilization project went as far as Seaview last year.  The next phase, which is to include Ocean Bay Park, has not yet begun. These pictures demonstrate the urgent need to get the remaining dunes stabilized.

The first three pictures show Corneille Estates on Thursday, March 9th, after two back-to-back Nor’easters.  As you can see, the re-nourished dunes did their job and held fast .. and actually collected a little sand during these storms!

The last three photos paint a completely different picture in Ocean Bay Park.  The dune stabilization project has not yet progressed to this area, and the old dunes took a pretty significant beating.

While the towns were flooded, especially during high tide cycles, the water seems to be receding.  The bay walk in Seaview was still flooded as of Thursday, but much less than in the past few days.

And work continues on the new Ocean Beach ferry terminal!!

New Ferry Terminal under Construction at Ocean Beach