By Mike Busch

I was only able to catch the Friday practice for this years Jones Beach Air Show but considering the weather and light on Saturday and Sunday I don’t think I missed much.  I have a huge gallery of images to post for Memorial Day but I was able to catch a few shots and a video as they departed for the show Sunday afternoon.

Unlike the rest of the participants, the Thunderbirds prefer to use Islip MacArthur Airport when they visit Long Island.  The access is far superior at Republic but Islip has a spot at the end of the runway where the planes go right over your head near Veterans Highway.

Planes 1-4 take off together and quickly move into the diamond formation exiting airport.  The two solos then take off separately but maintain very low altitude to the end of the runway before a dramatic vertical liftoff.

Certainly not as long as the traditional show but still something very cool to see.

I clamped a camera to the roof of my truck for the video and used my Sigma zoom lens for the stills.  Turn up the volume!