By Mike Busch
Friday’s storm that pushed offshore left behind some very rough surf. Winds gusted to 35 mph early Saturday morning, unfortunately knocking our beach cams out of service. Hopefully we can get this resolved as soon as possible.
Early Saturday, As I was checking out the ice flowing past Bellport Dock , I noticed ocean spray over the dunes and took a quick ride to beach to check the surf. It was certainly rough but nothing extraordinary.
Saturday Morning at Smith Point Beach
Late in the day I noticed even more spray over the dunes and decided to take advantage of the better light and get some images and video. As I passed over the Smith Point Bridge I could see breaking waves and huge plumes of spray across the horizon. Not only were the waves much bigger than earlier, stiff North winds were blowing the spray up what looked to be over 30 feet in the air. This was some of the biggest surf hitting Fire Island since the Hurricane swells back in September.
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