By Mike Busch
Members of the Long Island Wildlife Photography group had a great week capped off with the first real snow of the season which made for a great backdrop for many of the shots.
Notable finds this week: Black-Headed Gull, Harlequin Duck, Long-tailed Duck, Red-Breasted Merganser, Hooded Merganser, Killdeer, First of Season Pine Siskin, late in season Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs, and the usual raptors.
This week’s cover goes to Trish Minogue Collins with a Great Egret in the snow.
Thanks to Jim Botta for the help and feel free to share!
Bald Eagle – Robert Kaplan
American Coot – Leslie Pilgrim
American Kestrel – Dan Fiore
Bald Eagle – Nancy Viscardi-Ricigliano
Belted Kingfisher – Mike Babulak
Brown Thrasher – Jeanine Bodnar
Cedar Waxwing – Jeanine Bodnar
Dark-Eyed Junco – Jim Botta
Hooded Merganser & Lunch – Bill Mayes
Red Breasted Merganser – Richard DiScalfani