By Mike Busch 10-12-19
The storm that was eventually named Sub Tropical Storm Melissa packed quite a punch on the South Shore beaches and bays with erosion, washovers, and coastal flooding. I was on the east side of Moriches Inlet at Cupsogue both Thursday and Friday mornings at Moriches Inlet capturing images and video. I am fascinated by storm-generated surf and had a blast getting soaked getting the attached footage.
Luckily, the storm was still far enough away on Thursday morning to allow for nice light at sunrise, with the overcast and rain staying to the east.
The first thing I noticed was sand and water washing over the east Jetty directly into the inlet and forming a new beach. The same thing happened in 2018 when three consecutive Nor’easters pounded our area and the inlet needed emergency dredging. Unfortunately, the same thing is happening again.
The photo below shows the inlet after the storms the last time this happened.
March 2018
We have built up a huge library of Moriches Inlet content, click here to catch up.
The surf and wave action were much more extreme on Friday, I will follow up with that later.
Check out some normal speed video, slow motion video and four pages of images below. As a bonus, I ran into a bunch of migrating Monarch Butterflies on the way back down the beach.
More Photos on Pages 2,3,4 and 5