By Mike Busch
I took my first real good look at Moriches Inlet yesterday, after what turned out to be a mellow winter as far as storms are concerned. Most boaters have not had a chance to check out the inlet since the dredging operation wrapped up late last Fall with some concerned that the new channel cut through the outer bar would not last. I did the last update late last November and included the concerns of a local Captain, click here to review.
Conditions were perfect yesterday with a full moon high tide and very little wind. Water clarity was excellent but the high water made following the channel a little difficult. I hope to check it out by boat soon but as you will see in the video above and some of the photos below, there is still a shallow bar to deal with to get offshore.
There is also a lot of new erosion on the north side of Cupsogue beach, with no way to get down to the water in many places and dunes and snow fence are collapsing into the water.
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