Greetings and welcome to the month of June, where we find some of the earliest sunrises, latest sunsets and long glorious days of light. It’s been a while since we’ve had a “Best of Sun Chasers” feature, but rest assured our members have been out by 5:00 a.m. to capture that first light, as well as any sunsets that emerged during the rainy month of May. If you are taking the time to view our work, there’s a good chance you are a heliophile, or lover of the sun. I found some other “philes” which I’m sure make up our membership. You may recognize yourself in these as well.
Photophile: A person who loves the light
Selenophile: One who loves the moon
Ceraunophile: one who loves thunder and lightning (we definitely have some storm chasers among us)
Astrophiles love the stars and astronomy.
Thalassophile: A lover of the sea (Can you relate?)
The sun, sea and sky are ever-changing entities. The arc of the sun in particular shifts north during the summer months, but luckily for us helio- and thalassophiles here on Long Island, we can almost always find a horizon along the water on which to capture a sunset or sunrise. Photographers who reside near the south shore just hit the north side of the barrier island and shoot across the bay. Many sun chasers who live away from the south shore will hit the sound this time of year. Our group has grown since our last feature here, and we have talented photographers capturing Long Island’s beauty to the east, west, north, and south.
We hope you enjoy the images in this collection. As always, if you see one you would like to purchase for your wall, we will gladly put you in touch with the photographer.
Cover Photo or Orient Point by Kent Smith.