By Mike Busch

I took advantage of the beautiful mid February weather and took a hike to check out the Old Inlet Wilderness Breach on Sunday.

If you have never seen it for yourself, it is about 1.5 Miles west of Smith Point Beach.

Besides a lot of storm debris, the breach looks healthy and in no danger of shoaling up.  A new island has formed inside the east cut and Pelican Island, former home to the Pattersquash Gun Club,  has been reduced to a small clay deposit beneath the surface.

The Osprey Nest and pole that survived on the Island for several years after Sandy is now laying on the Eastern Shore.

It was hard to tell from the ground but it appeared that the dunes between the inlet and the Bellport Pavillion have been flattened- more on that tomorrow.

Check out the Harbor Seals and a short video of the water flowing through the inlet on page 3.

I returned yesterday by boat to get a better look and will have a bunch of aerial video and images tomorrow.

Fire Island National Seashore Visitor Center

Smith Point Bridge

Pattersquash Osprey Nest