By Mike Busch
The Long Island Wildlife Photography group outdid themselves this week with several notable or rare finds. The standout is the Razorbill, a large Auk that looks more like a penguin than bird, captured below by Dan Fiore and Brian Doherty. These Northern Atlantic birds are known to stray as far south as New Jersey in the winter and occasionally come close to shore. Ken Grille and Lisa Nasta ran into another member of the Auk family, the Thick Billed Murre as well.
Razorbill – Dan Fiore
Razorbill – Brian Doherty
Other standouts this week include a few Red Crossbills, Snow Goose, Greater White Fronted Goose, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, and Brown Pelican! The Brown Pelican has been seen sporadically in the summer in our area but to see one this time of year is remarkable. Also check out a few more excellent videos from Natalie Ann on the the last page! Also thanks as usual to Jim Botta for helping pick out the photos. If you have time try to scroll through all 9 pages!
Common Eider – Diane Veronica
Nancy Viscardi-Ricigliano- Red Breasted Mergansers
Common Loon – Brian Doherty
Long-Tailed Duck – Brian Doherty
Seal – Jeanne Eggers
Buck – Vicki Jauron
Dark-Eyed Junco – Dan Fiore
Peregrine Falcon – Daryl Ramrattan
More Images on Pages 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9