By Mike Busch
Thanks to Jim Botta we picked out just some of the best photos posted by the Long Island Wildlife Photography group this week below. If you haven’t joined yet, feel free to do so. You certainly don’t need to be a great photographer to join and I promise you will see a lot of things you would never see otherwise.
A few notable finds this week include a Spotted Towhee, Rough Legged Hawk, Red-Shouldered Hawk, and a wide variety of more common birds dealing with the winter elements.
This week’s cover shot is a beautiful Male Wood Duck by Jim Colligan.
If you have a few minutes try to check out all 9 pages and feel free to share with some friends.
Bald Eagle – Doris Jencen Trabosh
Belted Kingfisher – Tony Fanni
Cedar Waxwing – Dan Fiore
Eastern Meadowlark – Michael Sparks
Harbor Seal – Lance Wagner
Hermit Crab – Karen Corwith
Horned Grebe – Mike Firestone
Northern Cardinal – Leslie Pilgrim
Northern Harrier – Chris Giroffi