By Mike Busch
I was away last week but thankfully Jim Botta didn’t miss a beat, helping pick out standout photos from the Long Island Wildlife Photography group from the last two weeks below. As usual, this talented group continues to improve and find some incredible wildlife in action. Besides a fantastic collection of Seals, Eagles, Hawks, Falcons and Ducks the standout this week was a Pacific Loon that a bunch of members found out about and shared some great shots. The Pacific Loon breeds in Northern Canada and Alaska, and spend their winters up and down the West Coast. I checked ebird and see they have been spotted this winter in several spots on the Jersey Shore and Massachusetts. Below is their range map, clearly a little off course.
We included a bunch of Pacific Loon shots on pages 11 and 12. Also check out a few more videos from Natalie Ann who has a knack for capturing some great action.
This week’s cover shot goes to Lisa Nasta who got a great look at the Pacific Loon and its distinctive chin strap in great light.
If you have time, take a minute to scroll through all 12 pages and feel free to share with a friend!