By Mike Busch

The Long Island Wildlife Photography group had another great week and thanks to Jim Botta we have compiled 9 pages of just some of the best images below.  You might recall, we had a very rare visit from a Roseate Spoonbill that we featured for the last few weeks.  Unfortunately, some photographers ended up harassing the bird.   That reinforces our strict rule in not giving out locations.  Jim made a note to the group and linked to a great article about ethical birding which I wanted to include below.

Each winter, we have the same problem with Snowy Owls being harassed, chased, crowded, etc. – all for the sake of a photograph. It got to be such an issue, that many years ago we had to start an seasonal ban on Snowy Owl photos, so as not to contribute to the problem. Several other wildlife photography pages have also instituted the same ban.
It has come to our attention that there were a few photographers who were harassing the Roseate Spoonbill (chasing it from one place to another for hours at a time, venturing too close when it was trying to feed, and even pursuing it by boat). Again, all for the sake of a photograph.
This seems like the perfect time to remind everyone again about proper birding & wildlife ethics. As Audubon states, “The first essential element in bird photography and videography is a sincere respect for the birds and their environment. In any conflict of interest, the well-being of the birds and their habitats must come before the ambitions of the photographer or videographer.”
Below are two links (The American Birding Association’s “Code of Birding Ethics”, and Audubon’s “Guide to Ethical Bird Photography and Videography”). If you haven’t read these before, I urge you to do so now. And if you have read them, please look them over again. Education is the best solution to the problem! Thank you!

This week’s cover shot goes to Ken Blumberg with a great shot of a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.  Also don’t miss another great hawk video from Natalie Ann on the last page.

Feel free to share and have a great weekend!

Green Heron – Linda Karlin

Black Skimmer – Brian Doherty

Bullfrog – Dan Fiore

Clapper Rail – Christopher Carl

Double-Crested Cormorant & Toadfish – Scott Matheny

Great Blue Heron & Frog – Lowell Schechter

Green Heron – Kimberly Lechner Sanchez

Groundhog – Karen Hill Maloney

Green Heron & Frog – Robert Kaplan

More Photos on Pages 2-9