By Mike Busch
With a lot of help from Jim Botta, we have put together another huge collection of some of the best photos posted on the Long Island Wildlife Photography page below. I have mentioned it before but Jim does a lot more for the page than help choose the photos. I have been very stretched for time lately and can assure you the LIWL page would not be running as well as it does without the work that Jim does behind the scenes. With over 14000 members and growing, Jim has been a huge help in gatekeeping who joins the page, monitoring trolls, and keeping things running smoothly. I think I speak for all the other administrators and members in thanking Jim for making this one of the best wildlife groups anywhere on the internet.
This week’s cover goes to Robin LaCicero with some Juvenile Ospreys. Also, be sure to check out some more amazing videos by Natalie Ann on the bottom of Page 8.
Feel free to share with your friends and have a great weekend!
More Photos on Pages 2-8