By Mike Busch 8-15-18
Jan Shannon, one of my favorite Long Island Sun Chasers, just sent in some photos taken from Bellport (Ho-Hum) Beach today taken around Noon. Much to everyone’s surprise the water is up to the Pavilion, leaving no beach and the life guard stand perched in a precarious position and leaning over too far to be used by the lifeguards. It doesn’t look particularly rough but there is a strong undertow and sideswell moving east. Jan only had her cell phone but the shots below do a nice job to tell the story.
High tide on the beach was around 11:45 so it should be dropping but this is very odd for late summer when the beach should be it’s widest. This is also troubling considering storm season and winter are right around the corner. 5 miles to the west at Davis Park it doesn’t look nearly as bad, I attached a live camera feed on the bottom of the page from the Davis Park Casino Surf Cam that is playing live.