We skipped last week’s Best of the Long Island Wildlife Photagraphy group so we could all digest both 2016 year end features.
If you missed them they are both worth a look:
2016 Best of Long Island Wildlife Part I
2016 Best of Long Island Wildlife Part II
This weeks surprise snowfall and bitter cold didn’t slow down the wildlife or the photographers.
Along with the regular mix of winter ducks and raptors we had a few rare birds as well including a Red Headed Woodpecker and a Townshends’s Solitaire.
Cover shot goes to Joe Senzatimore for the Fox with catch in the snow.
Townsend’s Solitaire | Lisa Pisani
Red Tailed Hawk | Brian Doherty
Carolina Wren | John Giglio
Bald Eagle | Jim Simpson
Dark Eyed Junco | Lisa Nasta
Yellow Breasted Chat | Nicky La Pietra