You can follow more of Artie’s work on his website here and on Facebook.
August 26, 2017
Went out late in the day on the SHIP OF FOOLS looking for Humpbacks. Conditions were perfect! Light winds, no ground swell and near glass at times.
I meet up with K-CUP and it was logging. When I say this, I mean the true definition of a Humpback “Logging”. On the surface, sleeping, out like a light, looking like, you guessed it…a big log floating on the surface. I shut the boat off and turned up the music and watched K-CUP at a distance while looking for other whales that maybe in the area.
K-CUP must have woken up, sunk down and high tailed it away because it was nowhere to be found.
Started the boat up and headed closer to home, I was 16 miles out. A few miles into a fast run I see K-CUP again by catching sight of a chance blow out of the corner of my eye.
Bunker schools are ready for the taking and K-CUP is setting up for its lunge feedings and going at it. During one lunge feed, I see another surface feeding of a humpback on the inside of K-CUP and then a blow of another humpback on the outside. Wow, now we have 3 whales!
K-Cup Lunge Feeding
Rest of story and more images on pages 2 and 3