PSEGLI Planned Outage in Fire Island Communities of Water Island, Davis Park and Watch Hill on May 18
Farmingville, NY – PSEG Long Island has announced that they will install new underground electric cables from the west side of Talisman Beach to the LIPA substation on the east side of Fire Island Pines. This work is anticipated to be complete by the middle of next week. As part of the project, they will be removing older buried cables that are currently exposed on the north side of the substation. This project is critical to ensure uninterrupted, reliable electric service for the upcoming summer season.
In order to remove the exposed cables and energize the new cables, PSEGLI will require an outage to all the communities East of Fire Island Pines (i.e. Water Island, Davis Park and Watch Hill) on Thursday, May 18th (rain date Tuesday, May 23rd). The outage will start between 9am and 10 am and will last approximately 6-8 hours. PSEGLI will make every effort to minimize the duration of the outage and minimize the impact on the community.
Cover photo Davis Park Harbor Store by Mike Busch