By Mike Busch
The Long Island Wildlife Photography group continues to impress with high-quality images and a stunning variety of local wildlife. With help from Jim Botta picking the photos, we have put together another big collection of some of the best this week on the 10 pages below.
Some of the notable finds this week include a Black and White Warbler, Baltimore Oriole, Blue-Winged Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Orchard Oriole, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Prairie Warbler, Ovenbird, Prothonotary Warbler, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Louisiana Waterthrush, Myrtle Warbler, and the first Hummingbirds of the season.
We also included videos from Asia Lee and Natalie Ann on Page 10.
This week’s cover goes to Meryl Lorenzo with a beautiful Black-Crowned Night Heron.
If you have a few minutes try to check out all 10 pages and have a great weekend!
Bald Eagle & Osprey – Jill Weigold Wendling
Black-Crowned Night Heron – Meryl Lorenzo
Common Loon – Jacqueline Elizabeth Stoll
Cooper’s Hawk – Chris Bonadonna
Cygnets – Brian Doherty
Double-Crested Cormorant & Lunch – Barbara Lash
Eastern Towhee – Scott Whitmore
Glossy Ibis & Lunch – Karen Mott
Glossy Ibis- Lowell Schechter